SEP 12, 2024, 6-8PM
Workshop Series

We engage participants for a multi-day workshop series designed to facilitate healing through holistic, ancestral, and creative approaches.

Artist Involvement

Each participant is paired with an trauma-informed artist to help them visually express their healing journey, creating a supportive and transformative collaboration.

Documentation & Storytelling

We film the process with artists and participants to not only capture the powerful healing journeys, but to also create educational materials to uplift effective approaches and resources for survivors and to  further raise awareness.

Zine & Video Production

The personal narratives and artworks developed are compiled into a zine. We plan to distribute the zines across Sacramento schools and affiliated organizations, extending the impact and reach of our participants' stories.

Community Engagement

The culmination of our project is marked by a community event where we unveil the zine and documentary video. This event serves as a platform for survivors to share their stories and for the community to engage directly with the narratives of healing and empowerment.

In Collaboration